SSAGES  0.9.3
Software Suite for Advanced General Ensemble Simulations
All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Modules Pages
21 #include "ABF.h"
22 #include "CVs/CVManager.h"
23 #include "Drivers/DriverException.h"
24 #include "Validator/ObjectRequirement.h"
25 #include "Snapshot.h"
26 #include "schema.h"
27 #include <algorithm>
28 #include <fstream>
29 #include <iostream>
31 using namespace Json;
32 // "Adaptive biasing force method for scalar and vector free energy calculations"
33 // Darve, Rodriguez-Gomez, Pohorille
34 // J. Chem. Phys. (2008)
35 namespace SSAGES
36 {
38  // Pre-simulation hook.
39  void ABF::PreSimulation(Snapshot* snapshot, const CVManager& cvmanager)
40  {
41  // Open/close outfile to create it fresh.
42  if(IsMasterRank(world_))
43  {
45  worldout_.close();
46  }
48  // Convenience. Number of CVs.
49  auto cvs = cvmanager.GetCVs(cvmask_);
50  dim_ = cvs.size();
52  // Size and initialize Fold_
53  Fold_.setZero(dim_);
55  // Initialize biases.
56  biases_.resize(snapshot->GetPositions().size(), Vector3{0, 0, 0});
58  // Initialize w \dot p's for finite difference.
59  wdotp1_.setZero(dim_);
60  wdotp2_.setZero(dim_);
61  }
72  void ABF::PostIntegration(Snapshot* snapshot, const CVManager& cvmanager)
73  {
75  ++iteration_;
77  // Gather information.
78  auto cvs = cvmanager.GetCVs(cvmask_);
79  auto& vels = snapshot->GetVelocities();
80  auto& mass = snapshot->GetMasses();
81  auto& forces = snapshot->GetForces();
82  auto n = snapshot->GetNumAtoms();
86  //int coord = histCoords(cvs);
89  Eigen::MatrixXd J(dim_, 3*n);
92  std::vector<double> cvVals(dim_);
94  // Fill J and CV. Each column represents grad(CV) with flattened Cartesian elements.
95  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim_; ++i)
96  {
97  auto& grad = cvs[i]->GetGradient();
98  for(size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
99  J.block<1, 3>(i,3*j) = grad[j];
100  cvVals[i] = cvs[i]->GetValue();
101  }
103  //* Calculate W using Darve's approach (
104  Eigen::MatrixXd Jmass = J.transpose();
105  if(massweigh_)
106  {
107  for(size_t i = 0; i < forces.size(); ++i)
108  Jmass.block(3*i, 0, 3, dim_) = Jmass.block(3*i, 0, 3, dim_)/mass[i];
109  }
111  Eigen::MatrixXd Minv = J*Jmass;
112  MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,, Minv.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm_);
113  Eigen::MatrixXd Wt = Minv.inverse()*Jmass.transpose();
114  // Fill momenta.
115  Eigen::VectorXd momenta(3*vels.size());
116  for(size_t i = 0; i < vels.size(); ++i)
117  momenta.segment<3>(3*i) = mass[i]*vels[i];
119  // Compute dot(w,p)
120  Eigen::VectorXd wdotp = Wt*momenta;
123  // Reduce dot product across processors.
124  MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,, wdotp.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm_);
127  // Compute d(wdotp)/dt second order backwards finite difference.
128  // Adding old force removes bias.
129  Eigen::VectorXd dwdotpdt = unitconv_*(1.5*wdotp - 2.0*wdotp1_ + 0.5*wdotp2_)/timestep_ + Fold_;
131  // If we are in bounds, sum force into running total.
132  if(boundsCheck(cvVals) && IsMasterRank(comm_))
133  {
134  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim_; ++i)
135  F_[i]->at(cvVals) += dwdotpdt[i];
136  N_->at(cvVals)++;
137  }
139  // Reduce data across processors.
140  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim_; ++i)
141  MPI_Allreduce(F_[i]->data(), Fworld_[i]->data(), (F_[i]->size()), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, world_);
142  MPI_Allreduce(N_->data(), Nworld_->data(), N_->size(), MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, world_);
144  // If we are in bounds, store the old summed force.
145  if(boundsCheck(cvVals))
146  {
147  for(size_t i=0; i < dim_; ++i)
148  Fold_[i] = Fworld_[i]->at(cvVals)/std::max(min_, Nworld_->at(cvVals));
149  }
151  // Update finite difference time derivatives.
152  wdotp2_ = wdotp1_;
153  wdotp1_ = wdotp;
155  // Write out data to file.
156  if(iteration_ % FBackupInterv_ == 0){
157  WriteData();
158  }
160  // Calculate the bias from averaged F at current CV coordinates.
161  // Or apply harmonic restraints to return CVs back in bounds.
162  CalcBiasForce(snapshot, cvs, cvVals);
164  // Update the forces in snapshot by adding in the force bias from each
165  // CV to each atom based on the gradient of the CV.
166  for (size_t j = 0; j < forces.size(); ++j)
167  forces[j] += biases_[j];
168  }
170  // Post-simulation hook.
171  void ABF::PostSimulation(Snapshot*, const CVManager&)
172  {
173  WriteData();
174  }
176  void ABF::CalcBiasForce(const Snapshot* snapshot, const CVList& cvs, const std::vector<double> &cvVals)
177  {
178  // Reset the bias.
179  biases_.resize(snapshot->GetNumAtoms(), Vector3{0,0,0});
180  for(auto& b : biases_)
181  b.setZero();
183  // Compute bias if within bounds.
184  if(boundsCheck(cvVals))
185  {
186  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim_; ++i)
187  {
188  auto& grad = cvs[i]->GetGradient();
189  for(size_t j = 0; j < biases_.size(); ++j)
190  biases_[j] -= (Fworld_[i]->at(cvVals))*grad[j]/std::max(min_,Nworld_->at(cvVals));
191  }
192  }
193  // Otherwise, apply harmonic restraint if enabled.
194  else
195  {
196  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim_; ++i)
197  {
198  double cvVal = cvs[i]->GetValue();
199  auto k = 0.;
200  auto x0 = 0.;
202  if(isperiodic_[i])
203  {
204  double periodsize = periodicboundaries_[i][1]-periodicboundaries_[i][0];
205  double cvRestrMidpoint = (restraint_[i][1]+restraint_[i][0])/2;
206  while((cvVal-cvRestrMidpoint) > periodsize/2)
207  cvVal -= periodsize;
208  while((cvVal-cvRestrMidpoint) < -periodsize/2)
209  cvVal += periodsize;
210  }
212  if(cvVal < restraint_[i][0])
213  {
214  k = restraint_[i][2];
215  x0 = restraint_[i][0];
216  }
217  else if (cvVal > restraint_[i][1])
218  {
219  k = restraint_[i][2];
220  x0 = restraint_[i][1];
221  }
223  auto& grad = cvs[i]->GetGradient();
224  for(size_t j = 0; j < biases_.size(); ++j)
225  biases_[j] -= (cvVal - x0)*k*grad[j];
226  }
227  }
228  }
230  // Write out the average generalized force.
231  // Also write out Fworld and Nworld backups for restarts.
232  void ABF::WriteData()
233  {
235  // Only one processor should be performing I/O.
236  if(!IsMasterRank(world_))
237  return;
239  Nworld_->syncGrid();
241  // Backup Fworld and Nworld.
242  Nworld_->WriteToFile(Nworld_filename_);
243  for(size_t i = 0 ; i < dim_; ++i)
244  {
245  Fworld_[i]->syncGrid();
246  Fworld_[i]->WriteToFile(Fworld_filename_+std::to_string(i));
247  }
249  // Average the generalized force for each bin and print it out.
250  int gridPoints = 1;
251  for(size_t i = 0 ; i < dim_; ++i)
252  gridPoints = gridPoints * N_->GetNumPoints(i);
254, std::ios::out);
255  worldout_ << std::endl;
256  worldout_ << "Iteration: " << iteration_ << std::endl;
257  worldout_ << "Printing out the current Adaptive Biasing Vector Field." << std::endl;
258  worldout_ << "First (Nr of CVs) columns are the coordinates, the next (Nr of CVs) columns are components of the Adaptive Force vector at that point." << std::endl;
259  worldout_ << "The columns are " << gridPoints << " long, mapping out a surface of ";
261  for(size_t i = 0 ; i < dim_-1; ++i)
262  worldout_ << (N_->GetNumPoints())[i] << " by " ;
263  worldout_ << (N_->GetNumPoints(dim_-1)) << " points in " << dim_ << " dimensions." << std::endl;
264  worldout_ << std::endl;
267  for(auto it = Nworld_->begin(); it != Nworld_->end(); ++it)
268  {
269  auto& val = *it;
270  auto coord = it.coordinates();
271  for(auto& c : coord)
272  worldout_ << std::setw(14) << std::setprecision(8) << std::fixed << c << " ";
273  for(size_t i = 0 ; i < dim_; ++i)
274  worldout_ << std::setw(14) << std::setprecision(8) << std::fixed << Fworld_[i]->at(coord)/std::max(val,min_) << " ";
275  worldout_ << std::endl;
276  }
278  worldout_ << std::endl;
279  worldout_ << std::endl;
280  worldout_.close();
281  }
283  // Checks whether walker is within CV bounds.
284  bool ABF::boundsCheck(const std::vector<double> &CVs)
285  {
286  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim_ ; ++i)
287  {
288  if((CVs[i] < N_->GetLower(i)) || (CVs[i] > N_->GetUpper(i)))
289  {
290  return false;
291  }
292  }
293  return true;
294  }
297  ABF* ABF::Build(const Value& json,
298  const MPI_Comm& world,
299  const MPI_Comm& comm,
300  const std::string& path)
301  {
302  ObjectRequirement validator;
303  Value schema;
304  CharReaderBuilder rbuilder;
305  CharReader* reader = rbuilder.newCharReader();
307  reader->parse(JsonSchema::ABFMethod.c_str(),
308  JsonSchema::ABFMethod.c_str() + JsonSchema::ABFMethod.size(),
309  &schema, nullptr);
310  validator.Parse(schema, path);
312  // Validate inputs.
313  validator.Validate(json, path);
314  if(validator.HasErrors())
315  throw BuildException(validator.GetErrors());
317  //bool multiwalkerinput = false;
319  // Obtain lower bound for each CV.
320  std::vector<double> minsCV;
321  for(auto& mins : json["CV_lower_bounds"])
322  if(mins.isArray())
323  {
324  throw BuildException({"Separate inputs for multi-walker not fully implemented. Please use global entries for CV ranges"});
325  //multiwalkerinput = true;
326  //for(auto& bound : mins)
327  // minsCV.push_back(bound.asDouble());
328  }
329  else
330  minsCV.push_back(mins.asDouble());
332  // Obtain upper bound for each CV.
333  std::vector<double> maxsCV;
334  for(auto& maxs : json["CV_upper_bounds"])
335  /*if(maxs.isArray())
336  {
337  for(auto& bound : maxs)
338  maxsCV.push_back(bound.asDouble());
339  }*/
340  //else
341  maxsCV.push_back(maxs.asDouble());
343  // Obtain number of bins for each CV dimension.
344  std::vector<int> binsCV;
345  for(auto& bins : json["CV_bins"])
346  binsCV.push_back(bins.asInt());
348  // Obtain lower bounds for restraints for each CV.
349  std::vector<double> minsrestCV;
350  for(auto& mins : json["CV_restraint_minimums"])
351  /*if(mins.isArray())
352  {
353  for(auto& bound : mins)
354  minsrestCV.push_back(bound.asDouble());
355  }*/
356  //else
357  minsrestCV.push_back(mins.asDouble());
359  // Obtain upper bounds for restraints for each CV.
360  std::vector<double> maxsrestCV;
361  for(auto& maxs : json["CV_restraint_maximums"])
362  /*if(maxs.isArray())
363  {
364  for(auto& bound : maxs)
365  maxsrestCV.push_back(bound.asDouble());
366  }*/
367  //else
368  maxsrestCV.push_back(maxs.asDouble());
370  // Obtain harmonic spring constant for restraints for each CV.
371  std::vector<double> springkrestCV;
372  for(auto& springkrest : json["CV_restraint_spring_constants"])
373  {
374  if(springkrest.asDouble() < 0)
375  {
376  throw BuildException({"Restraint spring constants must be non-negative."});
377  }
378  springkrestCV.push_back(springkrest.asDouble());
379  }
381  // Obtain periodicity information for restraints for each CV for the purpose of correctly applying restraints through periodic boundaries.
382  std::vector<bool> isperiodic;
383  for(auto& isperCV : json["CV_isperiodic"])
384  isperiodic.push_back(isperCV.asBool());
386  // Obtain lower periodic boundary for each CV.
387  std::vector<double> minperboundaryCV;
388  for(auto& minsperCV : json["CV_periodic_boundary_lower_bounds"])
389  minperboundaryCV.push_back(minsperCV.asDouble());
391  // Obtain upper periodic boundary for each CV.
392  std::vector<double> maxperboundaryCV;
393  for(auto& maxsperCV : json["CV_periodic_boundary_upper_bounds"])
394  maxperboundaryCV.push_back(maxsperCV.asDouble());
396  // Verify inputs are all correct lengths.
397  if(!(( minsCV.size() == maxsCV.size() &&
398  maxsCV.size() == minsrestCV.size() &&
399  minsrestCV.size() == maxsrestCV.size()) &&
400  (binsCV.size() == springkrestCV.size() &&
401  springkrestCV.size() == isperiodic.size())))
402  throw BuildException({"CV lower bounds, upper bounds, restrain minimums, restrains maximums must match in size. Bins, spring constants and periodicity info must match in size."});
404  // Verify that all periodicity information is provided if CVs are periodic.
405  bool anyperiodic=false;
406  for(size_t i = 0; i<isperiodic.size(); ++i)
407  if(isperiodic[i])
408  {
409  anyperiodic = true;
410  if(!(isperiodic.size() == minperboundaryCV.size() &&
411  minperboundaryCV.size() == maxperboundaryCV.size()))
412  throw BuildException({"If any CV is defined as periodic, please define the full upper and lower bound vectors. They should both have the same number of entries as CV lower bounds, upper bounds... Entries corresponding to non-periodic CVs will not be used."});
413  }
415  size_t dim = binsCV.size();
417  // Read in JSON info.
418  auto FBackupInterv = json.get("output_frequency", 1000).asInt();
419  auto unitconv = json.get("unit_conversion", 0).asDouble();
420  auto timestep = json.get("timestep", 2).asDouble();
421  auto min = json.get("minimum_count", 200).asDouble();
422  auto massweigh = json.get("mass_weighing",false).asBool();
424  std::vector<std::vector<double>> histdetails;
425  std::vector<std::vector<double>> restraint;
426  std::vector<std::vector<double>> periodicboundaries;
427  std::vector<double> temp1(3);
428  std::vector<double> temp2(3);
429  std::vector<double> temp3(2);
431  auto freq = json.get("frequency", 1).asInt();
432  auto filename = json.get("output_file", "F_out").asString();
433  auto Nworld_filename = json.get("Nworld_output_file", "Nworld").asString();
434  auto Fworld_filename = json.get("Fworld_output_file", "Fworld_cv").asString();
436  // Generate the grids based on JSON.
437  Grid<int> *N;
438  Grid<int> *Nworld;
439  std::vector<Grid<double>*> F(dim);
440  std::vector<Grid<double>*> Fworld(dim);
442  //unsigned int wid = GetWalkerID(world, comm);
444  // This feature is disabled for now.
446  /*if(multiwalkerinput)
447  {
448  for(size_t i=0; i<dim; ++i)
449  {
450  temp1 = {minsCV[i+wid*dim], maxsCV[i+wid*dim], binsCV[i]};
451  temp2 = {minsrestCV[i+wid*dim], maxsrestCV[i+wid*dim], springkrestCV[i]};
452  histdetails.push_back(temp1);
453  restraint.push_back(temp2);
454  if(anyperiodic)
455  {
456  temp3 = {minperboundaryCV[i], maxperboundaryCV[i]};
457  periodicboundaries.push_back(temp3);
458  }
459  }
460  for(size_t i=0; i<dim; ++i)
461  {
462  minsCVperwalker[i] = histdetails[i][0];
463  maxsCVperwalker[i] = histdetails[i][1];
464  }
466  N= new Grid<int>(binsCV, minsCVperwalker, maxsCVperwalker, isperiodic);
467  Nworld= new Grid<int>(binsCV, minsCVperwalker, maxsCVperwalker, isperiodic);
469  for(auto& grid : F)
470  {
471  grid= new Grid<double>(binsCV, minsCVperwalker, maxsCVperwalker, isperiodic);
472  }
473  for(auto& grid : Fworld)
474  {
475  grid= new Grid<double>(binsCV, minsCVperwalker, maxsCVperwalker, isperiodic);
476  }
478  }
479  */
480  //else
481  //{
483  // Appropriately size the grids.
485  N = new Grid<int>(binsCV, minsCV, maxsCV, isperiodic);
486  Nworld = new Grid<int>(binsCV, minsCV, maxsCV, isperiodic);
488  for(auto& grid : F)
489  {
490  grid = new Grid<double>(binsCV, minsCV, maxsCV, isperiodic);
491  }
492  for(auto& grid : Fworld)
493  {
494  grid = new Grid<double>(binsCV, minsCV, maxsCV, isperiodic);
495  }
497  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
498  {
499  temp1 = {minsCV[i], maxsCV[i], double(binsCV[i])};
500  temp2 = {minsrestCV[i], maxsrestCV[i], springkrestCV[i]};
501  histdetails.push_back(temp1);
502  restraint.push_back(temp2);
503  if(anyperiodic)
504  {
505  temp3 = {minperboundaryCV[i], maxperboundaryCV[i]};
506  periodicboundaries.push_back(temp3);
507  }
508  }
509  //}
511  // Check if a restart is requested.
512  bool restart = json.get("restart",false).asBool();
514  // Either load previous grid, or back it up.
515  if(IsMasterRank(world))
516  {
517  if(restart)
518  {
519  std::cout << "Attempting to load data from a previous run of ABF..." << std::endl;
520  N->LoadFromFile(Nworld_filename);
521  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
522  {
523  F[i]->LoadFromFile(Fworld_filename+std::to_string(i));
524  }
525  }
526  else
527  {
528  std::ifstream Nworldbackupsource(Nworld_filename, std::ios::binary);
529  if(Nworldbackupsource)
530  {
531  std::cout << "Backing up previous copy of Nworld." << std::endl;
532  std::ofstream Nworldbackuptarget(Nworld_filename+"_backup", std::ios::binary);
533  Nworldbackuptarget << Nworldbackupsource.rdbuf();
534  }
535  for(size_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
536  {
537  std::ifstream Fworldbackupsource(Fworld_filename+std::to_string(i), std::ios::binary);
538  if(Fworldbackupsource)
539  {
540  std::cout << "Backing up previous copy of Fworld_cv"+std::to_string(i)+"." << std::endl;
541  std::ofstream Fworldbackuptarget(Fworld_filename+std::to_string(i)+"_backup", std::ios::binary);
542  Fworldbackuptarget << Fworldbackupsource.rdbuf();
543  }
544  }
545  }
546  }
548  auto* m = new ABF(world, comm, N, Nworld, F, Fworld, restraint, isperiodic, periodicboundaries, min, massweigh, filename, Nworld_filename, Fworld_filename, histdetails, FBackupInterv, unitconv, timestep, freq);
550  if(json.isMember("iteration"))
551  m->SetIteration(json.get("iteration",0).asInt());
553  return m;
555  }
557 }
Requirements on an object.
virtual void Parse(Value json, const std::string &path) override
Parse JSON value to generate Requirement(s).
virtual void Validate(const Value &json, const std::string &path) override
Validate JSON value.
std::vector< std::string > GetErrors()
Get list of error messages.
Definition: Requirement.h:92
bool HasErrors()
Check if errors have occured.
Definition: Requirement.h:86
Adaptive Biasing Force Algorithm.
Definition: ABF.h:41
Exception to be thrown when building the Driver fails.
Collective variable manager.
Definition: CVManager.h:43
CVList GetCVs(const std::vector< unsigned int > &mask=std::vector< unsigned int >()) const
Get CV iterator.
Definition: CVManager.h:81
void LoadFromFile(const std::string &filename)
Builds a grid from file.
Definition: Grid.h:629
Class containing a snapshot of the current simulation in time.
Definition: Snapshot.h:48
unsigned GetNumAtoms() const
Get number of atoms in this snapshot.
Definition: Snapshot.h:202
const std::vector< Vector3 > & GetForces() const
Access the per-particle forces.
Definition: Snapshot.h:351
const std::vector< Vector3 > & GetPositions() const
Access the particle positions.
Definition: Snapshot.h:325
const std::vector< double > & GetMasses() const
Const access to the particle masses.
Definition: Snapshot.h:367
const std::vector< Vector3 > & GetVelocities() const
Access the particle velocities.
Definition: Snapshot.h:338
Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
Three-dimensional vector.
Definition: types.h:33
std::vector< CollectiveVariable * > CVList
List of Collective Variables.
Definition: types.h:51