SSAGES  0.9.3
Software Suite for Advanced General Ensemble Simulations
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CSSAGES::BasisEvaluatorCalculates the inner product of all the basis functions and the histogram
 CSSAGES::BasisFunctionAbstract class for all BasisFunction inheritance
 CSSAGES::ChebyshevDefines the class of Chebyshev polynomials
 CSSAGES::FourierDefines the class of Fourier polynomials
 CSSAGES::LegendreDefines the class of Legendre polynomials
 CSSAGES::BasisLUTLook-up table for basis functions
 CSSAGES::CollectiveVariableAbstract class for a collective variable
 CSSAGES::ANNCVANN (artifical neural network) collective variables
 CSSAGES::AlphaRMSDCVCollective variable to measure alpha helix secondary structure
 CSSAGES::AngleCVCollective variable to calculate angle
 CSSAGES::AntiBetaRMSDCVCollective variable to measure antiparallel beta secondary structure
 CSSAGES::BoxVolumeCVCollective variable on the volume of a box
 CSSAGES::GyrationTensorCVCollective variable on components of the gyration tensor
 CSSAGES::MockCVMock collective variable for testing purposes
 CSSAGES::PairwiseCVGeneralized collective variable based on pairwise properties of atoms
 CSSAGES::ParallelBetaRMSDCVCollective variable to measure parallel beta sheet secondary structure
 CSSAGES::ParticleCoordinateCVCollective variable on a particle coordinate
 CSSAGES::ParticlePositionCVCollective variable on an particle position
 CSSAGES::ParticleSeparationCVCollective variable on the distance between two particles' centers of mass
 CSSAGES::RMSDCVCollective variable to calculate root mean square displacement
 CSSAGES::RouseModeCVCollective variable is a Rouse mode for a polymer chain comprised of N particle groups
 CSSAGES::TorsionalCVCollective variable on the torsion angles
 CSSAGES::CVManagerCollective variable manager
 CSSAGES::EventListenerBase abstract class for listening in to events fired by "Hook"
 CSSAGES::LoggerBase class for logging SSAGES data
 CSSAGES::MethodInterface for Method implementations
 CSSAGES::ABFAdaptive Biasing Force Algorithm
 CSSAGES::ANNArtificial Neural Network Method
 CSSAGES::BFSBasis Function Sampling Algorithm
 CSSAGES::CFFCombined Force Frequency (CFF) Algorithm
 CSSAGES::ForwardFluxForwardFlux sampling method
 CSSAGES::DirectForwardFluxForwardFlux sampling method
 CSSAGES::Meta"Vanilla" multi-dimensional Metadynamics
 CSSAGES::StringMethodString base class for FTS, Swarm, and elastic band
 CSSAGES::ElasticBandMulti-walker Elastic Band
 CSSAGES::FiniteTempStringFinite Temperature Spring Method
 CSSAGES::SwarmSwarm of Trajectories String Method
 CSSAGES::UmbrellaUmbrella sampling method
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
 CSSAGES::BuildExceptionException to be thrown when building the Driver fails
 CSSAGES::ForwardFlux::FFSConfigIDNested class to store different FFS Config IDs
 CSSAGES::GridBase< T >Base class for Grids
 CSSAGES::Grid< T >Basic Grid
 CSSAGES::GridBase< double >
 CSSAGES::Grid< double >
 CSSAGES::GridBase< Eigen::VectorXd >
 CSSAGES::Grid< Eigen::VectorXd >
 CSSAGES::GridBase< int >
 CSSAGES::Grid< int >
 CSSAGES::GridBase< std::vector< double > >
 CSSAGES::Grid< std::vector< double > >
 CSSAGES::GridBase< unsigned int >
 CSSAGES::Grid< unsigned int >
 CSSAGES::GridBase< Vector >
 CSSAGES::Grid< Vector >
 CSSAGES::Grid< T >::GridIterator< R >Custom Iterator
 CSSAGES::HillMultidimensional hill
 CSSAGES::HookBase class for hooks into the simultion engines
 CSSAGES::JSONLoaderClass for loading JSON content from files
 CSSAGES::JSONLoaderPluginAbstract class for JSON loader plugins
 CSSAGES::IncludePluginClass for JSON loader include plugin
 CSSAGES::MapMap for histogram and coefficients
 CSSAGES::PairwiseKernelPairwise kernel base class
 CSSAGES::GaussianPKGaussian Function
 CSSAGES::RationalSwitchPKRational Switching Function
 CSSAGES::ReadBackboneUtility class to read protein backbone atoms from a reference file
 CSSAGES::ReadFileUtility class to read file
 CJson::RequirementRequirements on input files
 CJson::AllOfRequirementRequires that all of a list of Requirements hold
 CJson::AnyOfRequirementRequires that at least one of a list of Requirements hold
 CJson::ArrayRequirementArray of Requirements
 CJson::BooleanRequirementRequires json value to be of type Bool
 CJson::DependencyRequirementRequires dependencies to be met
 CJson::EnumRequirementRequires entry to be member of an enum
 CJson::IntegerRequirementRequirements on Integer values
 CJson::NotRequirementRequires a given Requirement to fail
 CJson::NullRequirementRequires value to be of type Null
 CJson::NumberRequirementRequirements on a numeric value
 CJson::ObjectRequirementRequirements on an object
 CJson::OneOfRequirementRequires exactly one of a list of Requirements to hold
 CJson::StringRequirementRequirements on strings
 CJson::RequirementLoaderHelper class to load Requirement
 CSSAGES::ResourceHandlerClass that handles SSAGES resources for a simulation
 CSSAGES::SnapshotClass containing a snapshot of the current simulation in time