
SSAGES supports multiple molecular dynamics engines. However, supported features between MD engines. This may be the result of engine limitations or work in progress. The table below summarizes the main features that vary between supported engines.


Supported versions


NPT virial


2010 or newer




5.1.x, 2016.x, 2018.x




2.5, 2.6




1.60 or newer




2.4.0 or newer



Special instructions on how to use SSAGES with a particular engine are listed under the appropriate section.



SSAGES supports most recent versions of LAMMPS. To compile SSAGES with a compatible version of LAMMPS, either -DLAMMPS=YES or -DLAMMPS_SRC=/path/to/LAMMPS must be specified in the CMake command. For example,

cmake -DLAMMPS=YES ..

will automatically download LAMMPS (version 30 Jul 2016, tagged r15407) and compile SSAGES. If a user is interested in using a different version of LAMMPS, SSAGES can download a specific stable release (must be supported) with

cmake -DLAMMPS="22 Aug 2018" ..

If a user is interested in using an already-downloaded source or one with personal modifications, then SSAGES can be pointed to that particular source repository.

cmake -DLAMMPS_SRC=/path/to/lammps ..

Because many users may take advantage of optional LAMMPS packages, SSAGES forwards the make commands necessary to do so. To enable or disable these packages, you can call

make yes-package


make no-package

For more information on optional packages for LAMMPS, refer to the LAMMPS User Manual.


Once you link SSAGES to a particular LAMMPS source, you will be unable to compile that LAMMPS source outside of SSAGES because of SSAGES dependencies which are introduced. Be sure to backup your repository accordingly.

The following stable versions of LAMMPS have been tested extensively, but we are confident that SSAGES will also work with most other LAMMPS versions.

  • 10 Aug 2015

  • 7 Dec 2015

  • 16 Feb 2016

  • 14 May 2016

  • 30 Jul 2016

  • 5 Nov 2016

  • 17 Nov 2016

  • 31 Mar 2017

  • 11 Aug 2017

  • 16 Mar 2018

  • 22 Aug 2018


SSAGES integrates with LAMMPS though the flexible fix API offered by LAMMPS. It is therefore necessary to define a SSAGES fix within the LAMMPS input file as follows.

fix ssages all ssages

This directive ensures that SSAGES is able to locate the appropriate adapter and interface with the LAMMPS library. It is very important to name the fix “ssages” as shown above. Otherwise, SSAGES will not work properly. It is highly recommended that the SSAGES fix command be placed after all integrator fixes. Also, make sure that the fix is specified before the run command, which will begin the advanced sampling simulation.


Due to the nature of how SSAGES forwards commands to LAMMPS, the use of include and label/jump within a LAMMPS input script is currently not supported.

SSAGES is compatible with typical LAMMPS workflows that include equilibration or energy minimization steps before production. So long as the SSAGES fix is not declared, LAMMPS will run without any modification.

The only LAMMPS-specific property required in a SSAGES input file is the input property which points to the LAMMPS input script. Details can be found on the input files page.



SSAGES supports most recent versions of GROMACS. To compile SSAGES with a compatible version of GROMACS, either -DGROMACS=YES or -DGROMACS_SRC=/path/to/GROMACS must be specified in the CMake command. For example,

cmake -DGROMACS=YES ..

will automatically download GROMACS 5.1.3 and compile SSAGES. If a user is interested in using a different version of GROMACS, SSAGES can download a specific release (must be supported) with

cmake -DGROMACS=2018.3 ..

If a user is interested in using an already-downloaded source or one with personal modifications, then SSAGES can be pointed to that particular source repository.

cmake -DGROMACS_SRC=/path/to/gromacs ..

Common options for building GROMACS will be passed through to the GROMACS compilation step. For instance, options such as -DGMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON, -DGMX_GPU=ON, and -DGMX_DOUBLE=ON are supported. With newer versions of the hwloc package, GROMACS may not be able to automatically detect the SIMD level. A workaround is to manually specify this with -DGMX_SIMD=AVX2_256, which will turn off automatic detection using the hwloc package.


Once you link SSAGES to a particular GROMACS source, you will be unable to compile that GROMACS source outside of SSAGES because of SSAGES dependencies which are introduced. Be sure to backup your repository accordingly.

The following versions of GROMACS are supported by SSAGES, but we are very confident that SSAGES will not work with other versions of GROMACS out of the box, in contrast to LAMMPS. We are working hard to make SSAGES compatible with new versions of GROMACS, as they are released.

  • 5.1.x

  • 2016.x

  • 2018.x


After compiling GROMACS with SSAGES, you can use all of GROMACS’s available tools to set up systems and generate input files. The executable is located at hooks/gromacs/gromacs/bin/gmx_ssages within the build directory.


Note that, the gmx_ssages executable in the SSAGES folder will NOT function normally for running regular GROMACS simulations via gmx_ssages mdrun.

As GROMACS has in-depth Documentation and a helpful Getting Started section, we will not dwell much on how to use these tools to generate systems.

Briefly, generating a GROMACS binary input file (.tpr) requires the following three files:

  1. A “box” of particle coordinates to simulate (.gro file)

  2. A topology that describes the forcefield and connectivity (.top file, optionally .itp files)

  3. A simulation detail file that sets parameters such as which thermostat and barostat to use, number and length of time steps, integrator, saving frequency, and many more (.mdp file)

For example, one can convert a protein .pdb file from an online database using GROMACS tools to generate a .gro and a .top file. To generate an input file, use the preprocessor gmx_ssages grompp command:

gmx_ssages grompp -f npt.mdp -p topol.top -c conf.gro -o input.tpr

There are example .gro, .mdp, .top, .tpr, and .json inputs available in the Examples folder.

After an energy minimization and brief NVT and NPT equilibration runs, you should be ready to use SSAGES with your system. First, generate a .json file for your SSAGES input. If using a single walker, the inputfile should be the same as your .tpr file name. If using multiple walkers, you should number your input files right before the extension, include a numberless file, and set the “inputfile” to be the same as the numberless. For example, if using four walkers, you should set your “inputfile” to input.tpr and have the following in your folder:

  • input.tpr

  • input0.tpr

  • input1.tpr

  • input2.tpr

  • input3.tpr

Finally, define your CV(s) and Methods, as detailed in the input files page.


SSAGES forwards arguments to the GROMACS mdrun library. The args property must specified in the SSAGES input file as described on the input files page.

You can start your simulation by calling the SSAGES executable:

mpiexec -np N ./ssages input.json

where N is the total number of MPI processes. For example, for three walkers using 2 processors each, set \(N = 3*2 = 6\).



SSAGES supports most recent versions of OpenMD. To compile SSAGES with a compatible version of OpenMD, the location of the already-downloaded source must be specified in the CMake command.

cmake -DOPENMD_SRC=/path/to/OpenMD ..


Once you link SSAGES to a particular OpenMD source, you will be unable to compile that OpenMD source outside of SSAGES because of SSAGES dependencies which are introduced. Be sure to backup your repository accordingly.

The following versions of OpenMD are supported by SSAGES, but we are very confident that SSAGES will not work with other versions of OpenMD out of the box, in contrast to LAMMPS.

  • 2.5

  • 2.6


The only OpenMD-specific property required in a SSAGES input file is the input property which points to the OpenMD input script. Details can be found on the input files page.



SSAGES and Qbox can be run together to use advanced sampling methods in ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The coupling with Qbox is performed in a server–driver mode, with SSAGES acting as the driver and Qbox as the server. This means that if you have access to a version of Qbox (minimum 1.60) you do not need to recompile SSAGES and Qbox together. However, it is necessary to configure SSAGES to be used with Qbox, so that it will compile the correct Hook and Driver. To do so, add the following flag during the configuration of SSAGES:

cmake -DQBOX=YES ..

It is important to remark that in this case, SSAGES will not automatically download Qbox, it will be simply configured so to communicate with it. You are required to have access to a Qbox executable. If you do not have access to a pre-compiled version, then you will need to download and compile it yourself.


As for other engines, there are two input scripts necessary to run a Qbox–SSAGES calculation composed of N walkers:

  1. A JSON input file, specifying the methods and CVs that you want to use. Also, it specifies the Qbox input file names and the number of MD, density, and wavefunction steps that you want to use.

  2. A number N of Qbox input files, that will be used in the first step of the calculation to obtain the ground state density in the first step.

The JSON file contains the same field that would usually have (CVs, methods, logger, etc.) with three additional options:

        "walkers": N,
        "input": ["md.1", "md.2", ..., "md.N"],
        "md_iterations" : 10,
        "qm_iterations" : 30,
        "wf_iterations" : 1,

The keywords walkers and input are the standard SSAGES keywords to declare the number of walkers and the starting input file of each walker. The keywords md_iterations, qm_iterations and wf_iterations are the respectively the number of MD steps to perform, the number of scf to perform per MD step, and the number of wave-function optimization per scf steps. These parameters correspond to the first, second and third number in the command run 20 10 0. Consult the Qbox Documentation for more information.

The Qbox input file of each walker, specifies the parameters to be used in the DFT calculations (xc, ecut, T, etc.). This file will be parsed by Qbox at the first time step of the simulations to set up the calculations. If the file contains a command such as run 200 10, the 200 MD steps that Qbox will perform will be unbiased. If wanted, this feature can be used to equilibrate the system. After this first step, the command run 1 qm_iterations wf_iterations will be repeated for md_iterations. The QBox input file must contain at least 1 MD step in order to run with SSAGES. Thus always include the run 1 command.

An example of input.json and md.i is present in the Examples/User/ABF/NaCl-Qbox directory.


As previously reported, Qbox and SSAGES communicate in a server–driver mode. To launch Qbox in a server mode is sufficient to use the proper keyword and specify its input and output file:

mpirun -n X qb -server ssages_in_0 ssages_out_0

for a single walker or

mpirun -n X qb -server ssages_in_0 ssages_out_0
mpirun -n X qb -server ssages_in_1 ssages_out_1
mpirun -n X qb -server ssages_in_N ssages_out_N

for multiple walkers. At the moment, the name ssages_in_ and ssages_out_ are mandatory and cannot be changed. When launched in this way, Qbox creates N files called ssages_in_N.lock, and then wait for input. When the files ssages_in_N.lock are deleted from disk, Qbox will execute the commands contained in the files ssages_in_N, write the result of the calculation in ssages_out_N, and create N ssages_in_N.lock files. Without the deletion of the .lock files, Qbox will not execute any command and will remain idle.

After Qbox has started the server mode run (so it is idling and the .lock files are present on disk), we can launch SSAGES to drive the calculations:

mpirun -n N ssages input.json

After SSAGES has started, the two codes will alternate with each other in the following way:

  1. SSAGES will write the script md.i to file ssages_in_i, which will initialize the DFT parameters of the calculations. Then, it will trigger Qbox execution by deleting the .lock files.

  2. Qbox will perform the DFT calculation specified in ssages_in_i and write the output in ssages_out_i and will recreate the .lock files.

  3. SSAGES will read the Qbox output, calculate the CVs and the bias, and write to the files ssages_in_i, containing the external forces and the position of the atoms, as well as the command run 1 qm_iterations wf_iterations. It will then delete the .lock file, triggering another MD step calculation in Qbox.

  4. Steps 2 and 3 will be repeated for md_iterations number of time.

  5. After the last iteration, SSAGES will write an input file that will instruct Qbox to save a restart_i.xml file that can be used to restart the calculations, and terminate the Qbox instance.

  6. Qbox and SSAGES will then finish the execution.

Normally, Qbox overwrites the output ssages_out_i in server mode. To preserve the trajectory and avoid the loss of data, SSAGES will append the ssages_out_i file to a ssages_out_i_run_j.xml file. In the latter, the i index identifies the walker, while the j index identifies the number of runs. (For example, if you restarted two times, you would have _run_1.xml, _run_2.xml, and _run_3.xml.) We suggest using the restart_i.xml files to avoid discontinuities in the trajectories; when restarting, create a md.i file that contains the load restart_i.xml instructions.

There are useful scripts to analyze and plot Qbox trajectories, which are available in the Qbox tools webpage. To run any of these scripts, first reformat ssages_out_i_run_j.xml file by running a python script Qbox-xml-cleaning.py present in Tools/ directory. For example, if the original ssages-qbox output file is ssages_out_0_run_0.xml then the command line to reformat this xml file is

python3 Qbox-xml-cleaning.py ssages_out_0_run_0.xml ssages_out_0_run_0_cleaned.xml

where first arugment the name of the original xml output file, and the second argument is the reformatted xml file. Now these files can be analyzed using the scripts in Qbox tools webpage. For example, to create xyz trajectory file from the reformatted output ssages_out_0_run_0_cleaned.xml, run the command

python2 qbox_xyz.py -all ssages_out_0_run_0_cleaned.xml > out_0_run_0.xyz

Running on Clusters

Most likely, you are going to launch this calculation on a cluster or a supercomputer, where you will need to prepare a submission scripts and then launch through a job scheduler. Given the fact that SSAGES needs to start after Qbox, it is better to either separate the scripts that submit the two different calculations, or use a syntax that ensure that the submission occurs in the right order. For example, on Slurm, we can use one script:

srun -n X  -N 1 qb -server ssages_in0 ssages_out0  &
srun -n X  -N 1 qb -server ssages_in1 ssages_out1  &
srun -n 2  -N 1 ssages input.json &

which ensures that the scripts are executed in the right way.

If you want to have different scripts for Qbox and SSAGES:

In the Qbox scripts, qb.sh

srun -n X  -N 1 qb -server ssages_in0 ssages_out0
srun -n X  -N 1 qb -server ssages_in1 ssages_out1

In the SSAGES script, ssages.sh

srun -n 2  -N 1 ssages input.json

Then you will need to submit both of them with a third script, launch.sh


j_qb=`sbatch qb.sh | awk '{print $4}'`

sbatch --dependency=after:${j_qb} ssages.sh

The advantage of the latter method, with three scripts, is that it will avoid conflict between modules, which may be present in the first example, depending on how you have compiled Qbox and SSAGES.



HOOMD-blue supports SSAGES in releases v2.4.0 and later. HOOMD-blue must be built with MPI support enabled, using the HOOMD CMake flag -DENABLE_MPI=ON. It is recommended to use a Python virtual environment with HOOMD-blue, as described in the HOOMD compilation instructions. With the virtual environment active, building HOOMD-blue and SSAGES from source can use Python to appropriately set relevant CMake variables. For example (using 8 make job slots),

cd /path/to/HOOMD
mkdir build
cd build/
python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment --system-site-packages
source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(python3 -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])") -DENABLE_MPI=ON
make install -j 8

cd /path/to/SSAGES
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DHOOMD=ON
make -j 8

Alternatively, HOOMD can be built using make (without installation) using the HOOMD CMake flag -DCOPY_HEADERS=ON. For more information on HOOMD CMake flags, see the HOOMD documentation. In this case, you must specify the SSAGES CMake flag -DHOOMD_ROOT=/path/to/hoomd_installation/hoomd, pointing to the hoomd directory within the HOOMD-blue installation prefix.

cd /path/to/HOOMD
mkdir build
cd build/
make -j 8

cd /path/to/SSAGES
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DHOOMD_ROOT=/path/to/HOOMD/build/hoomd
make -j 8

It may be necessary to put the HOOMD build directory in your PYTHONPATH, so that your Python interpreter can find the hoomd module. Set this variable with the following command.

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/hoomd/build"


HOOMD-blue offers a “half-step hook” API to support SSAGES. This feature is automatically configured when SSAGES launches the HOOMD-blue simulation.

The HOOMD-blue SSAGES user script is written in Python. This script should contain necessary import statements, configure the simulation, and set types, interactions, integrators, log outputs and so forth. However, the simulation user script should not call hoomd.run(steps) as this will be called within SSAGES.

To set HOOMD-blue command-line options, use the SSAGES JSON input file. Set the key "args" with a string of command line options that will be passed to hoomd.context.initialize().